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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 8, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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cheering on. his whole team took part. take a listen. >> you know, it was pretty special. i mean, it was very special. you know, i told coach and all these coaches, you foe, they've given jack so many once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. >> pretty awesome little kid there. i'm brooke baldwin. thanks so much for being with us. i'll send you to jake tapper and "the lead." he'll speak just 50 miles from the horrific massacre in newtown. has he already been outmaneuv outmaneuvered on gun control. the world lead. if north korea is trying to scare americans, mission accomplished. our poll shows that many people
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say north korea is a immediate threat while optimism for a peaceful solution is fading. and the politics lead. add this to jay-z's 99 problems, congressional scrutiny over his getaway with beyonce to fidel castro's backyard. president obama is in the skies aboard air force one planning to touch down in hartford, connecticut, where he's making a last-ditch effort to keep his gun control agenda alive. the president will speak about 50 miles from newtown where 26 people including 20 children were gunned down in december, as if you could forget. now nearly four months later, the shock has faded and so has the support for tougher gun laws. the senate will begin debating new legislation as early as this week, but the president doesn't even have enough support within his own party for his fondest wish, a new ban on some types of
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semiautomatic rifles sometimes called assault weapons. senator richard blumenthal of connecticut joins us. senator, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, jake. >> senator, i wanted to ask you about this emphasis on so-called assault weapons, these types of semiautomatic rifles being banned in connecticut and then also a push to do the same on a federal level. according to a university of pennsylvania study, assault weapons are only used in 2% to 8% of gun crimes. mostly it's handguns. so can you explain why the emphasis legislatively on assault weapons? >> there's an emphasis on assault weapons because of mass killings that involve assault weapons, the ar-15 in newtown, but also because of the high-capacity magazines which are also involved in the effort that we are under taking to bring that amendment to the floor as part of the effort to control violence in this
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country, gun violence. keep in mind that this bill also goes against illegal trafficking and straw purchases, school safe city is an objective as well as our mental health initiatives and of course a national criminal background check. so the important point here is that the gun violence has to be a comprehensive strategy and the assault weapon ban is simply one part of it. >> right, senator, but you mentioned large-capacity magazines. those are used according to the same penn study in up to 25% of gun crimes. it seems to me that you are, and your colleagues in the gun control effort, focusing on areas where most of the killings do not take place. as horrific as the large massacres are. >> well, the large massacres have rightly ripped and riveted public attention, and the reason is that they involve slaughter of innocent human beings on a mass scale, made possible by the
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use of military-style weapons. that is weapons designed to kill and maim human beings. they have no real purpose or less so in hunting and recreation, taking away other kinds of guns from people would be problematic, and there is an effort to stop the illegal trafficking of stolen guns and other forms of weapons that are the predominant source of gun violence on our streets. >> several newtown family members were on "60 minutes" last night. they talked about what's important to them. obviously a lot of them are in favor of stricter gun regulation, though not all of them, but they were also asked about things that mattered to them beyond gun control. i want to play one sound bite for you. >> mental health, brain health, is paramount, it's just as important as everything else. it's just that at this particular time the focus on legislation is about the gun part of the issue. >> that was mark barden talking to "60 minutes."
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how come we haven't heard much about the mental health component of all of this when president obama them, and then treating them when they involve particularly children in the classroom or others who may be deeply troubled as adam lanza was has to be a priority. and the reason that you may not have heard all that much about them is that they are less glamorous or dramatic than assault weapons which can be easily displayed. >> could you support a bill with background check that's does not
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have any record keeping? >> record keeping is essential, and record keeping can be combined with confidentiality and the reassurance that people will not be prosecuted for losing those records when they have no purpose in losing them, when it may be a mistake. there are ways to avoid either frivolous or other kinds of prosecutions that shouldn't being done. so i think record keeping can be done and must be done but consistent with the second amendment and other constitutional guarantee. the majority of the american people and in their states, including responsible gun owners, favor national background checks, a ban on illegal trafficking, strengthening school safety, and other initiatives that are critical to assuring that we stop gun it violence, which has claimed the lives of more than 3,000 people since newtown. the president's message tonight in connecticut, with the
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picture -- and a picture is often worth a thousand words -- will be with those families who have endured that unspeakable, unimaginable grief. at the time when elections are held, that majority will make its views known. it may be silent now, but it will be a lot less silent when election time comes. >> all right. connecticut senator richard blumenth blumenthal, thank you. 11 family members who lost children in the newtown shootings will catch a ride with the president back to d.c. after his speech. they'll spend the next two days lobbying support for gun control legislation. a study released a few moments ago is sure to stir up debate. researchers say despite all the criticism and there was plenty, healthier school lunches are working to fight childhood obesity. the study compared states with stricter lunch standards versus those that follow looser guidelines. not only do kids with healthier lunches have healthier weight but they also were not buying
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other snacks to fill up. that's sure to get some pushback by those who say healthier lunches deprive kids of calories and leave them hungry. do you remember this parody against the school lunch program that went viral last year? ♪ so if i have the time go to the practice and you feel like falling down ♪ ♪ i'll carry you home ♪ tonight we are >> in response to criticism of school lunch guidelines, congress helped the u.s. agriculture department loosen some of the rules for the first year of the program by letting things such as pizza sauce count as a vegetable. our world lead is next. she was his political soul mate. he was the second most important man in her life. ronald reagan and margaret thatcher. their friendship spanned decades. we will look back, next. plus, long hair, weed and free love. the '60s are in full swing on
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the new season of "madmen," my interview with some of the critically acclaimed cast is our pop lead, and that's coming up. from tracking the bus. ♪ to tracking field conditions. ♪ wireless is limitless.
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that's right for you. the world lead. locked. loaded. and possibly ready to fire. north korea could have a test missile in the air as early as wednesday, according to the office of south korea's president. the north today also dissolved its last vestage of cooperation with the south pulling its workers out of an industrial park it runs jointly with south creigh wra. it's easy to laugh off kim jong-un when he does stuff like hang aing out with dennis rodman, but he would only have to get lucky once to kill americans in the pacific, as guam's governor told me last thursday. >> there is a defensive umbrella that has been set up from the korean peninsula to the western
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pacific. all you need is that one lucky shot, and that one lucky shot from a anorth korean missile could do a lot of damage to our island home. >> this is the potential range of north korea's missiles, they'd plunk in the water long before hitting the u.s. mainland, but american military bases in guam, south korea and japan could all be targets along with the nearly 90,000 u.s. troops stationed in the region. many had experts don't believe that the communist region would risk aiming at u.s. targets. but if it is all a bluff -- and it may very well be -- the north koreans are certainly committing to it. and this breaking news. more americans are taking the threat from north korea seriously. just this minute, "the lead" is releasing these new cnn/orc polls. when asked if north korea is an immediate threat to the u.s., 41% of people said yes. that's a 13-point jump from three weeks ago when 28% said yes. and for the first time most americans do not see a very peaceful end to all of this. when asked whether the situation
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with north korea can be resolved through economic efforts, 51% said no. only 46% said yes. she was known as england's iron lady, a nickname she earned through her in.comab will. margaret thax tcher is dead. she suffered a stroke. she found a kindred spirit in former president ronald reagan in the 1980s, the keepers of the special relationship between britain and the u.s. together they became the architects of a golden age of conservativism. he called her the best man in england. she called will him the "second most important man in any life," ronald reagan and margaret thatcher, the former movie star and the grocer's daughter. one of the most important relationships.
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>> president henry david theroux said, it takes two to speak the truth, one to speak and the other to hear. well, sometimes one of us has spoken and sometimes the other. but together, mr. president, i would like to thank that we have spoken the truth. >> thatcher's words in 1981 when she was president reagan's first foreign guest to the white house. but the mutual admiration started years before when her husband caught a speech of reagan's in 1975, thatcher welcomed reagan to london when she was elected head of the conservative party. when reagan was picking his vice presidential nominee, he said, i have thought about the idea of a woman for vice president, but polls say the people aren't ready for it. i don't understand it because i'm a big fan of margaret thatcher. >> she has been a staunch ally, my political soul mate, a great
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visionary, and a dear, dear friend. >> both were resolute anti-communists who rose to power 0 in the heart of the cold war. both were beacons of the political right whose economic policies cause division even today, what americans call reaganomics, fewer regulations, lower taxes, smaller government was synonymous to a word among the brits. thatcherism. >> it was -- between any relationship between any other british prime minister and any other american president. >> jeffrey smith who wrote a joint biography on thatcher and reagan recalls it was thatcher who convinced reagan that gorbachev was a soviet leader with whom they could finally do business. >> she phoned reagan and said, i have just met this new leader of soviet union. he is unlike any other leader of the soviet union. >> still, thatcher ended up sitting next to gorbachev at
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reagan's funeral in 2004. she was suffering health problems but wouldn't deny the chance to eulogize her friend and counterpart on videotape. >> we have lost a great president, a great american and a great man, and i have lost a dear friend. >> incidentally, wikileaks released 1.7 million records from the 1970s today and moth them is a purported 1975 cable from the u.s. state department that describes margaret thatcher this way, quote, she has a quick if not profound mind and works hard to master the most complicated brief. she fights her corner with skill and tough necessary but can be flexible when pressed. in dealing with the media or with subordinates she tends to be crisp and a trifle patronizing. with colleagues she's ahonest and straightforward if not excessively considerate of their vanities. the state department declined to authenticate that cable today. for more on margaret thatcher, nancy reagan will be on "a ac
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360" tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. while the world knows thatcher for her public persona, we're left wondering what she was like in private life. we're lucky to be joined by a former aide to margaret thatcher in 2000-2002. you had helped her write her book "statecraft." thanks for being here. >> my pleasure. >> we're hearing about her lega legacy, wonderful things about her, also things in her legacy that aren't necessarily the greatest thing in the world. but you actually knew her. tell me about the last time you saw her and what you saw there that those of us who didn't know her might find surprising. >> actually, the last time i saw lady thatcher was in december in london at her house near victoria station. she was actually very cheerful. she was in a remarkably good, cheerful mood. she was very tranquil, very, very content. at the age of 87, no doubt she was look back on an extremely successful career, the most
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successful british politician of the 20th century. and i have to say that the margaret thatcher -- despite the public persona -- >> very curious. >> the iron lady, if person she was extremely warmhearted, very, very compassionate, someone who enjoyed making people laugh as well, actually. >> really? did she have a good sense of humor? >> she had a very good sense of humor. a lot of her best speeches in the house of commons are the speeches where she tore into her opponents but resorting in roars of laughter from the assembled mps. this is certainly a very, very harsh environment, the house of commons. she succeeded in winning over not only her own side but of course many on the other side of the political aisle as well who admired her political skill and tenacity and above all her conviction. >> and how much did she keep up with what was going on here in the u.s.? >> she's always maintained a very close interest in u.s. affairs. when i saw had her in december,
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had been keeping an eye on the u.s. elections. and the united states has no greater supporter than margaret thatcher. >> what did she think? was she happy with how we're doing, concerned? >> i think she certainly had a concern about u.s. decline. in her view, the united states must lead on the world stage. without american leadership, the world is a far more dangerous place, and she was very, very concerned that the united states, because of the economic situation, because of cuts in defense spending, would not be able to live up to that global role. so she was someone who had a huge amount of faith in the american spirit, in the spirit of this great nation, and her wish was that the united states would continue leading on the world stage. >> nile, thank you so much. our deepest condolences on the loss of your friend. >> thank you very much. our political panel joins us
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next, michael, amy, maria, show of hands for anybody who we would be talking about a clinton not named hillary running for office in 2016? well, we'll talk about that, coming up, because the former first daughter told nbc she's not ruling out a future run. that's coming up in our politics lead. well, enjoy your round! alright, thanks! save a ton on our best available rate when you book early and feel the hamptonality.
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the money lead. our obsession with text messaging could soon help one start-up close a billion-dollar deal with google. according to the tech site digital trends that's the current offer to buy the app for
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message mobiling service. it lets text messaging for free across different smartphone platforms. no comments so far from google or what's app on the rumored deal. americans will no longer corner the market on sending creepy facebook messages to strangers. the social media site is going global with a trial program that lets users send direct messages outside of their network of friends and family. the program got started in the u.s. last year but is now expanding to 40 countries around the world. the price for sending a message depends on the popularity of the recipient. but users can only receive one paid message per week so i suppose that's bad news for all those nigerian princes out there. hash tag, you're it. what service would you happily pay facebook for. i would pay, say, $100 to block those random postings challenging me with quizzes. come up with the name of a band that doesn't include the letter
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"b." that's not that hard, the who, the clash, the stones. enough. no more stupid quizzes. what would you pay to have facebook do? tweet your responses, hash tag facebook gets paid. the politics of pain. raw emotion is front and center as president obama brings newtown families to washington, but will that be enough to make any real changes to gun laws? that's our political lead, and it's coming up next. is our business. we've reduced taxes and lowered costs to save businesses more than two billion dollars to grow jobs, cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years, and we're creating tax free zones for business startups. the new new york is working creating tens of thousands of new businesses, and we're just getting started. to grow or start your business visit the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf., and every day since, we've worked hard to keep it. today, the beaches and gulf
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people at risk for stomach ulcers who take certain other medicines should talk to their doctor as serious stomach problems such as bleeding may worsen. patients may experience slow heart rate. free trial offer for them. nurses to talk to for you. visit ♪ >> welcome back to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. of the politics lead. they toured havana last week. now are they starting to feel the heat? lawmakers are slamming jay-z and beyonce for their vacation to cuba and demanding to know who pulled the strings for the power couple. the bigger issue, does it still make sense to have a ban on travel to cuba? the buried lead. a reporter facing jail time for protecting her sources.
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why is this being ignored? and the pop culture lead. the days of three martini lunches and ash trays in the office are back. everyone is talking about the return of "mad men." the cast takes us behind the scenes after last night's. what better way to say i love you than violating the embargo with cuba? jay-z and beyonce spent their fifth wedding an vniversary in havana. they are facing backlash. not the power couple nor the white house are answering the question what type of trouble could they be in? i'm going to bring in our special correspondent on the jay-z/beyonce beat, erin mcpike. what's the deal with this bustup? >> there are a couple of republicans in congress from south florida very anti-castro area, and they're upset because the pictures of jay-z and
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beyonce in cuba make it look like they were vacationing, which u.s. law strictly prohibits tourism in cuba. so the thing they may have done is obtain a license from the treasury department which allows you to go on trips for cultural exchange. now, if you violate that, you can be fined about $65,000, which to them might be a drop in the bucket. >> that's in the couch, behind the seats of the couch at the beyonce house. i know. i've been there. i haven't. just joking. go on. >> well, they just haven't answered. the white house directed reporters to treasury today. treasury is saying that they don't comment on individual cases. and cnn has reached out to representatives for jay-z and beyonce, and they're not saying anything either. >> but this has become something of a skirmish people upset with them being here. then senator jeff flake from arizona asaid he thought it was fine. he doesn't think there should be
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a ban at all. in a way, this is a way of discussing a much bigger more important issue. >> not just him. kathy castor, a democratic congresswoman from tampa told the tampa bay times today that after ashe got back from a trip on saturday she thinks the travel ban should be lifted, too. but marco rubio, very influential republican senator from florida does not think so. the obama administration lifted restrictions on cuba a few years ago. he took to the senate floor and made some very aascerbic remark. there's a new head of the securities and exchange kmeelt. mary jo white was confirmed today to the position. she is a former federal prosecutor. she'll police wall street and keep financial markets honest. that just happened this arrive. it an intersection point between politics and unfath unfathomable emotion.
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in a few hours president obama will give a speech on gun control in connecticut, about an hour's drive from the scene of the newtown massacre. and afterwards a group of parents who lost children in that horrific shooting will climb aboard air force one and head to washington to lobby lawmakers on gun control. we'll now talk to our political panel and other issues, michael warren roshter to the weekly standard, amy walter and cnn contributor and democratic strategist maria cardona is also here. michael, is this in your view the president playing politics with a tragedy? >> well, he's got to walk a fine line here because the real issue of what is actually going to come out of congress with regard to gun control is pretty narrow. it's universal background checks. the problem here for the president is that universal background checks might not have stopped what happened in newtown. so there seems to be a disconnect from the policy that he's proposing or that he's pushing that actually come from this and sort of the story or
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the narrative that he's trying to tell, listen, we've got to pass this for the sake of what happened in newtown. and people may not react to that if they find that disconnect. >> because there is a disconnect. because what would have potentially stopped newtown, at least this shooter with these weapons, is a ban on high-capacity magazines and a ban on certain times of semiautomatic rifles. >> but the bigger issue in the senate is the filibuster and there may not be a vote on anything, even on something that may not even address this issue. that's a good point. so it seems as if what the president is trying to do more than anything is to say to republicans, you guys, let many happen, let this vote occur. we've already seen the senate majority leader harry reid say the same thing, the president taking a much more emotional push to do this. >> and while i think that the president certainly has to walk a fine line and there will absolutely be hiss critics as there always are, this is something the president has talked about since the day that newtown happened.
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he has kind of acted as the consoler in chief, if you will. if from day one the only thing he had talked about were background checks, that disconnect would be there. but from the beginning he's talked about want all of this, the assault weapons, the magazine clips, the gun trafficking. so he has pushed all of those big ideas, understanding that the politics are a lot more complicated than that and understanding that at the end ever the day what he will get is going to be a lot smaller than what he's aadvocated for. but it doesn't take away from him showing republicans and showing the american people that he is still absolutely behind this issue and suppopporting ev change. >> viewers right now should know they're watching live pictures of president obama arriving in hartford, connecticut, being greeted by dignitaries there, public officials for the speech he will give later this evening. michael, is there any risk for republicans to filibuster? i mean, you say there's no direct relationship, but polling
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on universal background checks, regardless of the relationship to the newtown shooting, is like 90%. majority even of gun owners and republicans i believe. is there a risk for republicans to oppose that, to stand in the way of it? >> i think there is if they don't explain what the purpose of this filibuster is, which there's actually debate about what kind of universal background checks the federal government is going to actually require. are they going to require records of gun sales, how deep do the reports go? and the purpose of the filibuster, you can believe the whether the republicans want to do this, but the purpose is to have a national debate about how far these universal background checks ought to go, if they make that case that's why they're doing this. it could be a winner, but it's a risk. >> amy? >> i think in places -- suburban america and others where we know that republicans need to make inroads among women voters -- >> ohio, philadelphia. >> right. these are the issues that cut
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that way. the reality is, though, economy and jobs are on the top of most people's minds, moat voters' minds much. but as we move into 2014 and 2016, if you are a candidate up for reelection, i would stekt expect this may come up. >> i have to end it right there. we'll have more on this. did you see a mad men" last night? i won't give away the secrets of the premiere. but i'll take you on a behind-the-scenes tour with the cast. that's our pop lead, and that's next. on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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the pop culture lead. after a ten-month break, how did it feel to have don draper back in your living room?
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last night's premiere of "mad men" was supposed to temper our obsession to the highs and lows of life, but the methodical pace of the season opener likely left you longing for more. but what is it about these characters that keep so many americans captivated week after week, season after season? i went straight to some of the cast members for answers. so it must be cool reporting to work at sterling draper cooper price. >> not a bummer. >> just another day at the office for these actors, the trio play ken cosgrove, michael ginsberg and stan rizzo on the hit amc show "mad men." their characters are hustling in the 1960s in the middle of social upheaval. until last night, the show was off for ten months. plot twists and spoilers regarded like state secrets during our visit. >> even having those two with your things on your faces, these are spoilers. we know now that your characters
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will have this facial hair. >> perhaps. >> unless you grew it over the weekend. >> the new looks are part of the new direction of the show, and a deeper dive into '60s culture. >> i don't know if it's the photographers or the writers but it really smells like reefer in here. >> i'm just wondering what you're actually smoking on set. >> it is an herbal blend of disgusting, terrible things. >> people will do anything to alleviate their anxiety. >> as season six kicked off last night, the show took a dark twist. the lead character ad man don draper continued his long search for happiness. >> this is where the magic happens. >> so to explore this existential quest, we sat in the creative lounge. what is "madman" about? >> it's a group of people trying to create happiness for themselves. sometimes it's funny to watch people trying to create happiness.some?
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hey, i'm not hanging up. everybody is striving for success, happiness, love. everybody gets their heart broken. people die. you take a place like this and you shove all these crazy characters into it, and they've all got to work together and some socialize, some don't, some like each other, some don't. it's kind of the wheels that the show spins on, i think. >> last night's two-hour premiere drew more than 3 million viewers, me among them. our thanks to the cast for showing us around. the sequel to the blockbuster fantasy film avatar is taking on a titanic twist, so to speak. it's been revealed some of the movie will be shot 36,000 feet below sea level. it's no secret that director
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james cameron has a fascination with aquatic adventures. after all, this is the guy who went on a record setting dive just for fun. a producer for avatar 2 says the movie will be a combination of special effects and actual footage from the bottom of the ocean floor. she endeared herself to generation to generation with her smile, and talent. today we learned of the passing of one of disney's original triple threat, annette fun cello. fun acello got her start in the 1950s as a an original mu musketeer. she lost a 25-year battle today with multiple sclerosis. she was 70 years old. now wolf blitzer is here
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with a preview of "the situation room." welcome back. i know you're good friends with ben feldman, the nice young gentleman from "mad men". >> you saw it last night. don draper. >> a dark fellow. >> very dark. you look a little bit like don draper. people tell you that? >> no one thinks that. >> i think we should do a split screen, see if don draper and jake tapper -- he has a little thing. >> this is the only thing maybe. >> that looks like a don draper move. when you meet with your staff -- >> you're like the roger sterling. this is exactly it right here. >> martinis at lunch. >> i get it. no, i'm fine. >> smoke a cigarette. we've got north korea, big stuff coming up. there's a crisis going on with north korea. this week could be pretty important. the north koreans telling all these foreign diplomats in pyongyang get out by wednesday. otherwise, we can't guarantee your safety. we'll go in depth on that, also the president getting ready to speak on guns. >> thank you, wolf. snitch or go to prison? that's the option that one reporter is facing after
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refusing to give up a confidential source. is the judge criminalizing good journalism? our buried lead is next.
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it's time for our buried lead. that's what we call stories we don't think are getting enough attention. journalism 101, you don't give up a source. but jonna winter, an investigative journalist for fox news, is facing hard time for refusing to do just that. here's the background. in july 2012 anonymous law enforcement sources told jonna winter that before he went on a shooting spree aurora movie theater james holmes gave his psychiatrist a notebook
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detailing how he planned to, quote, kill people. this was a huge scoop and clearly of public interest. it raised key questions. did the system fail the victims of the aurora shooting? what exactly happen? winter's scoop helped provide a check on those in power, who it will not surprise you, do not always like to talk about ways in which the system and they failed. in fact, last thursday court documents revealed that more than a month before the attack the same psychiatrist had told campus police that holmes was homicidal. yet instead of a focus on how the system failed we're here now talking about whether winter should go to jail for reporting on holmes' journal, which was found in a mail room after the attack. why? it's because holmes' lawyers say whoever leaked the information to winter violated a gag rule and they want her to say who it was. now, this has nothing to do with whether holmes should go to jail or be sentenced to death or whether he's insane or anything having to do with the sick and
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evil mind that reeked havoc on the 12 pour souls who were killed in the aurora shooting. but a colorado judge has said he could rule this wednesday whether winter has to reveal her source or face six months in prison. so why should you care about this? because jonna was doing her job so you can judge how well the judicial and mental health and other systems are working. i'm now joined by matthew cooper from the national journal. he faced similar pressure to reveal his source during the valerie plame wilson scandal. god, so many years ago. you were working at "time" magazine and you refused to give up your source, karl rove, after he led you to believe he was a covert agent for the cia. you were just doing your job. where is the public outrage about this type of thing? does the public not understand or see us as a check on people in power? >> well, i think, as you know, jake, the media is not always the most popular institution in america, and i think people worry about other things, other
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than whether reporters are getting along with their work. but the problem is, if people are going to find out stuff, know what their politicians are doing, what other inss constitutions are doing, a lot of that depends on journalists using confidential sources. if they can't protect those sources they can't do their job. >> i understand there's some exceptions, for instance, you wouldn't want a reporter reporting recklessly the nuclear codes or something like that that could harm national security. >> exactly. >> that wasn't the case with you, and it's not the case with this woman jonna winter. she had a legitimate scoop. >> no, it sure wasn't. what she was violating was not some troop movement in the night or things that would risk the lives of people. she was pry trying to expose how those people in aurora got killed. she violated a gag order and unless she ponies up her source, she does face the possibility of jail as i did. >> i spoke to a friend of hers. the friend says that she is ready to go to jail if need be, does not want to but will not give up her sources.
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you were facing a potential 18 months in prison. she's facing potentially 6 months in prison. what is she feeling right now? >> well, there's a lot of anxiety, a lot of antacids getting consume. i don't even like bad hotels. so the idea of going to prison was not a happy thought. but it is something you're prepared to do because it's an a important principle. you realize if you give up your source, it's going to make other potential whistle-blowers say mum. i'm sure she's going through a lot of anxiety and hopefully at the last minute there will be a way to sort of deal with this with honor for all sides because it is crazy. >> and then, lastly, what's at stake here. what do people need to understand? people like her, if it weren't for her, who knows if we would even know that the aurora shooter had -- that there had been warnings that had been missed, that somehow the system had failed. what is at stake if she is thrown in prison? >> well, i think what's at stake
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is people getting to know stuff. you know, it's not about us, the journ journalists, it's about the public. you wouldn't have known about a lot of the watergate scandal. you wouldn't have known a lot about corporate malfeasance and other stuff unless journalists are able to use and protect confidential sources. >> is there anything you want to say to her if she's watching right now? >> i would say stay strong, have a good lawyer, and protect your source and see if reason will come to prevail in the end, as it did in my case. >> thank heaven for that, matthew, thank you. >> thanks, jake. nasa playing space cowboys. the agency is planning to lasso an aasteroid and park it near the moon. senator bill nelson, a former astronaut and chairman of the senate science and space subcommittee, says $100 million of start-up money will be included in president obama's budget which comes out this week. that will be used to capture a 500-ton, 25-foot asteroid in 2019. that's the goal anyway.
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with a space capsule. that's how they want to do 0 it, and they want to put astronauts on the rock. it's also considered a key stepping stone to mars and its moons. for anyone who has ever wished chocolate was a diet food, well, some good news. you're halfway there. researchers from the university of warrick say they've found a way to cut the fat in chocolate in half by injeblgting it with fruit juice. most dark chocolate has about 13 grams of fat. the texture of this healthier chocolate is supposedly the same and so is the taste. researchers hope the food industry will follow their lead to create healthier chocolate treats. next in our sports lead, just a day with the guys for the former secretary of state. condoleezza rice hits the links sporting a look most men would kill for. more than two years ago,
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wouldn't mince words. that was achris christie commenting on a video that showed rice hurling basketballs and homophobic slurs. christie also defended the president. rutgers president said he didn't see the video until hours after it went viral even though the university knew about it months ago. suck in the guts, guys, there's a lady in the house. it's masters week and for the first time former secretary of state kond lease 0 saturday rice was spot in her green jacket at augusta national. she sported the jacket yesterday as she played golf. back in august rice and south carolina businesswoman darla moore became the first female members in the club's 80-year history. welcome to the 21st century. we asked you earlier what services you would pay facebook for. i'd pay to have facebook draw snidely whiplash-like mustaches on kid